Learn to drive fast: how to pass your driving test quickly

Everyone wants to learn to drive fast. The truth is, though, that everyone learns to drive at their own pace. Some people pick up driving really quickly. Others take a bit longer. The key thing is to reach a safe standard rather than setting a speed record from L-plates to P-plates.

But of course, we all hope to pass quickly. One of the key ways you can learn to drive fast is to figure out what style of learning works best for you, and to tweak your lessons and practice sessions to suit your strengths.

Which learning style is best for me?

Of the three methods below, focus on the one that does it for you, so you can learn as effectively as possible. For the most effective learning, you’ll probably have to use elements of more than one method. The better your approach to learning, the better the chance that you will learn to drive fast.

1: Seeing or reading

  • Make your own flashcards containing key information.
  • Draw up a planner or chart using colour coding.
  • Make plenty of notes to guide yourself through the learning process.
  • Watch online resources such as video clips or pages of information.
  • Read (and re-read) as many key books as you can find.
  • Start with the Highway Code.

2: Hearing

  • Listen as an instructor or tutor guides you.
  • Talk yourself through whatever it is you’re learning.
  • Buy a dictaphone so you can record yourself speaking, then play it back.
  • Listen to online videos, taking in the soundtrack as you go along.

3: Doing

  • Practise doing things as much as possible, ideally with your instructor.
  • Continue this practice with a parent or friend.
  • Set up some short study sessions with someone, so you can continue to practise.
  • Watch what your instructor does, and copy them afterwards.

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